Edinburgh Fringe preview: The Finger Show

Next month, Lara Starcevich is coming all the way from a town in the US that no one has ever heard of to perform her never-before-seen and probably-never-will-again, God-please-make-it-stop The Finger Show at the Edinburgh Fringe.

I asked Lara to give us some inside info on the show, which is subtitled “an adultish musical comedy smorgasbord.”

Where: 9 Queen Street, Great Hall

When: 21-23, 25 Aug (7pm and 11.30pm – 25th only)

Ticket linkhttps://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/finger-show-an-adultish-musical-comedy-smorgasbord

Promotional image for The Finger Show

What’s the best thing about Fringe?

The fact that thousands of comedians come together in one place to do my favourite thing in the world —making people laugh? Brilliant. 

The Finger Show is “an adultish musical comedy smorgasbord” – tell me more?

As a woman, my comedy — like my female anatomical part — is more indirect.

I use accents, puppets, and music: ANYTHING to be an invisible layer of protection between me and the audience. It’s kind of like a panty liner. But without all the fake perfumes. 

It sounds like a personal tale – where did you get the idea from?

From years and years of being a recovering codependent Catholic Canadian.

I offer my show as a gift or, like a personalized Sherpa tour up the mountain of unprocessed, residual resentment turned inwards as self flagellation and occasionally flatulation. 

The Finger Show includes audience participation – what, without spoiling, should audiences expect?

Basically, because I could never quite get my act together to write a show, I decided to compile a series of ways that I COULD open the show, if I actually had written a show.

Just kidding, well basically it’s a combination of improvised musical songs and mental exhibitionism because my hope is that by listening to the petty pointless details from my OWN life then the audience will feel better about their own.

Oh, and I like to ask the audience for suggestions when it comes to the interactive bits. 

As an American educator, what do you make of us Brits? 

If you want my honest answer, I would say that British people are very intelligent, witty, entertaining, and awesome because you haven’t let guns take over your country like we have.